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Governance Charter, Scheme of Delegation and Terms of Reference

The purpose of the Governance Charter is to provide the Board of Trustees with guidance in the discharge of their duty to oversee the affairs of the Trust. 

foreword from the chair of the trust board

Consortium Trust was established in 2016 as a result of the ever changing educational landscape in structure, policy and educational delivery.  Through these opportunities and our vision, aims and principles, Consortium Trust provides its schools with the framework to develop within a supportive structure and framework.

The Trustees of Consortium are in no doubt that the education sector faces more challenges in future years; at the very least, a far greater expectation of outcomes for our pupils with limited resources.  The need for creativity, collaboration and school to school support has never been greater, and School Leaders are seeking out strong structures to ensure that that their schools remain viable, feasible and relevant to their local communities.  They are looking for local solutions that allow them to retain their school identity; their parent voice; their community engagement – all the things that make their school special. 

Consortium provides that environment, whilst offering a broad curriculum, collaborative working and the opportunity for every child and adult involved in their schools to meet their full potential.

I strongly believe that Consortium, its Members, Trustees, Directorates and Schools provide a unique offering within Norfolk and Suffolk.  Through this, children will flourish and achieve and the schools in the Consortium family will thrive and continue for our future generations.

Chair of Trustees