Introducing: Head of Service Strategic Improvement
After 10 years of Headship and some recent Executive Leadership experience, I have made a permanent move to the central team to start a new role as Strategic Improvement Lead for the Trust. I am hugely excited about the move as it gives me an opportunity to share my passions and experience at a much wider level. As Head of Rendlesham, I have been privileged to develop a broad curriculum which has our Trust learning characteristics at its heart. I have led and developed a strong staff team and have enjoyed building relations with the pupils and families which ensure that the children feel safe and happy to learn. In the last year I have widened this opportunity across the Yox Valley and Borders schools too, so I am already familiar with many of our Trust communities.
My new role is predominantly directed at school improvement and therefore I will be spending much of my time in schools working alongside senior leadership teams and visiting classrooms to monitor and improve teaching and learning. During my visits, I talk to the children about their learning and feedback my observations to school leaders. I provide support and challenge to leaders to ensure that outcomes for pupils in all areas of school life are continually improving. I am also able to deploy central team staff to support schools and help leaders meet the needs of your children.
I am gradually making my way around all schools in the Trust, just 2 or 3 left to visit this term so far, so some of you will see me in schools, I’m easily recognised by the noise of my work case trundling behind me! I very much want to ensure that I become a familiar face in all schools and that the children begin to know me at all sites too, so please come over and introduce yourself if you see me. I am incredibly driven and passionate about school improvement and I am excited to have this opportunity to work with the central team and all school leaders to continue to improve our Trust schools for your children.
Written by Debbie Thomas, Head of Service, Strategic Improvement