Staff Wellbeing Survey
As you are aware, every setting shares a staff wellbeing survey with all colleagues to complete every term.
This was created out of a desire to increase opportunities to hear staff voices around issues connected to wellbeing and to wider development ideas as well as celebrating our successes.
To date, patterns of responses to questions in the survey have led to significant developments at whole Trust and local level. Examples of this are the complete review of the PPDR - professional and personal development review (was PDR) and the inclusion and encouragement of collaboration opportunities. Staff responses to receiving feedback have been taken into account when commissioning coaching packages supporting instructional coaching and supervision type opportunities for Academy Heads.
These innovations have been discussed at Central level and this is part of my remit to bring these suggested areas for development to the Central team and Executive Leads who can then agree to the changes at a Strategic level and from a financial point of view.
There will also be numerous actions and developments that sit at local level with your SLT. These will have been discussed and agreed based on data from responses.
As with everything, what Central and local teams cannot promise is that all issues and development points will be acted upon but we can assure you that actions and the decision making behind that should be shared with all teams following the wellbeing meetings.
It is really important that we get a high level of staff responses to the survey from a data validity point of view but also to ensure that we are getting a true picture of staff wellbeing in all of our schools.
Many teams have now designated staff meetings to completing this survey and this is already having an impact on increasing the number of staff responses.
I hope this has highlighted the need for all of you to complete the survey regularly, to have your opinions heard and to potentially be part of changes to our local and Trust wide systems and processes.
For any queries or further information, please speak to your Academy Head or Sam Davidson.
Written by Sam Davidson, Head of Service Curriculum