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Curriculum Statement

The Trust believes that all pupils should be supported to reach their full potential through a broad range of subjects and experiences.  Since its inception in 2016, the Trust has developed an ambitious, broad educational offer designed to meet the needs of the pupils that it serves.   The Trust supports all schools to create well-planned, sequenced, knowledge-rich curricula that enable pupils to develop and acquire the necessary personal qualities and creative skills for future learning, supporting an active engagement in their community and beyond.

The Trust provides a curriculum development framework that supports school leaders to create a contextually relevant offer for the pupils at their schools.  Across the Trust, schools work in partnership to develop individual subjects, including English, Maths and Science. This collaborative working ensures teachers are able to keep up to date with the latest development in specific subjects, sharing examples of success as well as supporting any areas of challenge.  Through the subject networks, staff can also moderate pupils’ learning, ensuring that all staff have high expectations for pupils and providing appropriate support whenever necessary.

As a Trust we are ambitious for our pupils, not only for the time they are with us but also for the next steps in their education and life. The Trust’s Drivers: Personal Development, Creative Development and Community Engagement were created to support all community members to work towards their personal goals.  Each driver has four staged milestones with criteria to support teachers to plan, think creatively and participate and contribute to the wider society.  In all Trust schools, the Drivers are expertly taught and embedded within the curriculum, supporting pupils to focus on developing in the specific areas of personal improvement, listed below. 

To achieve our goal of excellence for all members of the community, the Trust works within a collaborative model as a family of schools and educational practitioners.  Through this model, schools are supported by the central team to develop the Trust’s educational offer by valuing and sharing individual characteristics and strengths and agreeing alignment where appropriate.                                                                                                                                                                      Through its focus on curriculum and quality teaching the Trust has improved the educational experience for pupils at its sponsored schools and has continued to provide quality education at its converting schools, whilst ensuring a broad curriculum offer. 

Please see individual hubs for their individual curriculum plans’ by following the links below.